A short piece about emotional intelligence

IQ, or ‘conventional’ intelligence, is too narrow a concept with which to understand how and why people can be successful. It ignores essential personality, character,

A short piece about making the other person more important than you

This means : Think and feel about other people, behave towards other people as if they were more important than you.

Why you can’t teach soft skills

You can’t teach “soft skills” because they aren’t skills, and the only things you can teach are skills.

How to transform a relationship in twenty minutes

The client of a colleague reported difficulty being a parent to his middle child. The child was clearly unhappy. The father was unhappy because he did not know what to do

Stages of personal development—1 The basics

The emotional intelligence at work model is complex. Let’s start with the basic, underlying principles.

What does it all mean?

People are forever asking "what do you mean by...?" The following glossary is what we mean by key words.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) was popularised by Daniel Goleman in his book, Emotional intelligence. In it, Goleman cites five domains of EI...

Thinker, feeler, knower, sensor ?

In 1928, Carl Jung identified that people receive and process information in four ways: thinking, feeling, intuition and sensing (in a kinaesthetic sense)

What emotional intelligence is not

EI is values-neutral and it isn’t about controlling others’ emotions.

Stages of a work relationship—introduction

‘Businesses are just people’. Of course, this isn't to belittle people...