A short piece about telling stories

Stories are memorable in ways that dry factual statements aren’t, particularly when you need to remembered in a crowd and other people are listening to other people telling

On light

Quotations on light.

That’s the way to do it!

Newsletter 116 : 9 may 2016

Being William Shakespeare

A personal selection of quotations

A little infinite variety

Newsletter 115 : 26 april 2016

A short piece about being «good enough»

When I encounter resistance to this phrase (which is surprisingly often) it is usually, I feel, because people misunderstand it. It’s almost as if they think it means “not

Seven startup misconceptions

Seven misconceptions about startup businesses often perpetuated by people unaware of the need to do a bit of research or to listen to those who have experience; or, I regret

A short piece about perfectionism

Perfection is actually a way the mind has of stopping us moving forward. “I can’t take the next step because I haven’t done this one perfectly yet”.

On memory

Quotations on memory

Not an April fool

Newsletter 114 : 1 april 2016