Jeremy Marchant is an associate of Akonia. He is the co-designer of, and one of the facilitators of, the Akonia GradStart programmes. These are facilitation programmes made up of broadly “off the shelf” workshops which address the clear issues of the employability of newly recruited graduates.
GradStart for Businesses is for businesses and other organisations who wish to accelerate the induction of their graduate recruits.
GradStart for Universities is for universities who wish to provide this development process for their undergraduates.
Akonia also offers bespoke programmes delivered inhouse which meet the specific needs of individual employers.
These take the GradStart programme as a starting point but are infinitely variable in terms of content, duration and level.
By ‘level’, I mean that they can be addressed at all grades of employee, whatever their educational status, whatever their role in the organisation, and however long they have worked for it.
Further material:
> GradStart index page
> Akonia [external website]
by Jeremy Marchant . updated: 29 january 2016 . image: Akonia
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Contact Jeremy Marchant,, 01 453 764 615