Why emotional intelligence is important in the workplace

On communication and media

Marshall McLuhan’s work was characterised by two things: an extraordinary prescience and a capacity for a remarkable turn of phrase.


Elsie had a tempestuous childhood relationship with her sister and this troubled her well into her adult life.

How to run a business networking event

Let’s be clear. Hiring a room, making a sign saying ‘Networking event’, and sticking it above the door, does not constitute providing a networking event. Networking events

Who to focus on when networking

For anyone to refer their contacts—possibly close business partners or friends—to your business, they will have to have a certain minimum level of awareness of you and your

OK.  I’m doing what you told me.  How come it isn’t working?

In business, we all need to learn how to do things―whether it’s preparing a financial plan, writing a proposal, or participating in a networking event. Some people make it a

«Network better»: the programme

The programme will enable attenders to hugely raise their game in business networking and referral marketing.

A short piece about the strength of business relationships

In his book, Business by referral, Ivan Misner identifies three levels of networking relationship, defined by their strength: visibility, credibility, profitability.

How strong are your business relationships?

In his book, Business by referral (and also here), Ivan Misner identifies three levels of networking relationship, defined by their strength.

“I’m not making progress with networking”

Most businesspeople are not as successful at networking as they would like to be.

Play a sound

Newsletter 127 : 22 august 2017

Stop fighting

Newsletter 126 : 24 july 2017

What’s the best way to follow up a proposal…

In answering the question, I am following my own maxim ('Whenever anybody tells me they have a problem, all I know at that moment is that that is not the problem') by assuming

x = x + 1

Newsletter 125 : 14 june 2017


Attitude is not a negative word. It’s true you can have a bad attitude towards something; but equally you can have a good attitude towards something, for example business

Shield your eyes

Newsletter 124 : 25 may 2017

After 3

Newsletter 123 : 15 may 2017

Easter hares

Newsletter 122 : 11 april 2017

Spring is sprung

Newsletter 121 : 27 march 2017

A different perspective

Newsletter 120 : 14 february 2017

On loss

We suffer loss; it's how you deal with it that counts.

Set sail

Newsletter 119 : 6 september 2016

On music—2

People still love to write about music...

Ahead of the beat

Newsletter 118 : 25 august 2016

«Network better»: the pitch

Network better is my new book on business networking—currently looking for a publisher. Networking is the only activity that business people do that only requires good

Resources to help you work better with people


This website has some 500 pages and continues to be updated frequently.  New pages are added, and existing pages are updated and extended as needed.  About this site.

You are most welcome to use all of it for your personal development (but please see Use of resources).  There are:

  • over 200 guide articles and opinion pieces, divided into essential, people and business
  • stories;  we believe stories are essential for good communication and there are more than 60 work stories and other stories
  • over 110 blogs representing my personal opinion on subjects broadly in the emotional intelligence at work domain
  • 125 back issues of the emotional intelligence at work newsletter 
  • more than 35 themed selections of quotations
  • plus pages of links to other newsletters I edit;  to interesting content on other sites;  and to music videos, emotionally intelligent videos and other diversions.

How we help
:  use this to find out more about how we help people, businesses and other organisations transform themselves and their performance through the use of emotional intelligence.

All for your entertainment and, perhaps, enlightenment.  If any of this interests, or you have any queries, comments, complaints, suggestions or even compliments, please do contact us.

Jeremy Marchant

stretch - awakened-1483472-1279x856

Latest blogs

16 september 2019  Stretch, don’t stress
26 january 2019  Why the hell is Brexit happening?
13 january 2019  Book review: Gail Honeyman, Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine
10 january 2019  Affording therapy
 january 2019  Learning counselling

Blog index

Network better front cover smaller
«Network better»


Five classic issues

Five classic issues which respond particularly successfully to the emotional intelligence at work approach.

GradStart logo no TM orange text on white background v2 1

GradStart is a new, groundbreaking development programme for graduate recruits which covers business and soft skills—More here.

Twitter feed

Jeremy Marchant discusses the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.  Full video

Quotation of the moment

There is no sin except stupidity.

— Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish essayist, novelist, playwright and poet

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