A short piece about finding out what the prospect actually needs

1 You need to adopt a coaching approach to finding out what the prospect really needs. You don’t have to be a coach, but you need to ask the sort of questions a coach would.

GradStart for graduate recruits—programme definition

GradStart for Businesses is a programme designed to enable graduate recruits develop the personality, skills and knowledge they need to function optimally in the workplace.

An approach to hiring and inducting graduates that works

During the course of our conversation, it became apparent that Waterstons not only has a well-developed process for bringing new graduate recruits into the business, but also

The value of soft skills to the UK economy

So what is the Backing Soft Skills campaign all about, and what does it mean for you and your business?

Praise for emotional intelligence at work training

Feedback from EI courses Jeremy Marchant ran in a large NHS acute unit.

GradStart calendar

The next GradStart programme commences April 2016, with more to come.

GradStart for graduate recruits—programme overview

How often have you recruited a young graduate and wished that they understood more about your business world, and what you require of them?

Leadership and management programme

The issue with many training courses in leadership and management is that, while the training may be excellent, little or no help is provided back in the workplace.

“We are unhappy with the level of customer service we provide”

In such a competitive world, failure to deliver first class customer service will adversely affect the business's performance.

“I am unable to get my team to deliver”

Are you struggling to get the most out of your team? Have you suddenly found yourself in a leadership role for which you do not feel qualified? At emotional intelligence at