It was Hegel, see below, who observed two centuries ago that we learn nothing from history and, apparently, this is still the case.
Douglas Adams . 1952-2001 . English writer and humorist . The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
John W Campbell . 1910-1971 . American editor and writer . Analog science fiction/fact
Noam Chomsky . 1928- . American linguist, cognitive scientist, philosopher, activist . speech at the University of Colorado at Boulder (2003)
Mohamed ElBaradei . 1942- . Egyptian diplomat, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency . acceptance speech on behalf of IAEA, Nobel peace prize (2005)
Paul Harvey . 1918-2009 . American radio broadcaster
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . 1770-1831 . German philosopher . Lectures on the philosophy of history [trans, HB Nisbet]
James Joyce . 1882-1941 . Irish novelist and poet . Ulysses
Lloyd deMause . 1931- . American psychologist . The history of childhood
George Santayana . 1863-1952 . Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist . The life of reason
Alexis de Tocqueville . 1805-1859 . French political thinker and historian . Old regime
Leo Tolstoy . 1828-1910 . Russian writer, philosopher and social activist
Gore Vidal . 1925-2012 . American essayist, novelist, playwright and intellectual
unknown, but none of the people to whom it is usually attributed
selection copyright © 2016 Jeremy Marchant . published 22 february 2016