Dwight Eisenhower . 1890-1969 . American soldier and politician . television programme with Harold Macmillan (1959)
Hermann Göring . 1893-1946 . German politician, military leader . quoted in Nuremberg Diary (Gilbert, 1947)
Tenzin Gyatso . 1935- . head of state and spiritual leader of Tibet . Words of wisdom (ed Gee, 2001)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . 1770-1831 . German philosopher . Lectures on the philosophy of history . translated HB Nisbet
Niccolò Machiavelli . 1469-1527 . Florentine political philosopher, historian, musician and poet . The discourses, II 13
Harold Macmillan . 1894-1986 . British Conservative politician and publisher . speech on government privatisation to the Tory Reform Group (1985)
Joseph de Maistre . 1753-1821 . Savoyard lawyer and diplomat . Lettres et opuscules [misattributed to Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln and others]
HL Mencken . 1880-1956 . American journalist, satirist and freethinker . The American Mercury (may 1930)
Matthew Parris . 1949- . English journalist and former politician . article, The Times (18 mar 2006)
Enoch Powell . 1912-1998 . English politician and historian . Joseph Chamberlain
Alexis de Tocqueville . 1805-1859 . French political thinker, historian . Old regime
More quotations:
> On politics and politicians
selection copyright © 2016 Jeremy Marchant . uploaded 13 july 2016