emotional intelligence at work offers training in a variety of applications of emotional intelligence to the business world. Some of these are briefly described below though we will always tailor training to the specific needs of the client and of the participants.
Each module deploys a variety of teaching techniques:
The balance between techniques is adjusted to suit the needs of each client and the participants.
emotional intelligence at work has worked with Chris Hoggarth Associates to develop the GradStart programme which is available from Akonia.
How often have you recruited a young college or university graduate and just wished that they understood a little bit more about the business world in which you operate, and therefore what you require of them? The gap between what your recruit understands and what you need can be frustrating on both sides. This experience is borne out by the majority of UK businesses.
Employability and employability skills have become key issues for UK businesses. They impact on competitiveness, economic growth and Britain’s place in the global economy. They are critically important to our future.
That is why we have developed the GradStart Business and soft skills development programme. It provides graduates with the practical knowledge and skills they need to make a productive and valuable contribution to businesses, and to your business in particular. With our programme you will be able to integrate graduates into your business rapidly and see their performance take off.
The programme is made up of ten one day modules, one a month. Each module is essentially a number of facilitated workshops in which the level of ‘chalk and talk’ is balanced by the provision of experiential learning opportunities. The modules cover:
Personal development: Personal management
Interpersonal development: Communication skills . Interpersonal behaviour
Group development: Team working . Problem solving
Management: Leadership . Management
Business: Industry intelligence . Customer awareness . Financial awareness
More information:
> GradStart programme overview
> GradStart programme definition
Related material:
> Employability: why are students not engaged? [blog]
> Employability: what stops it? [blog]
emotional intelligence at work and Chris Hoggarth Associates also provide bespoke programmes run inhouse for businesses and other employers.
We provide programmes to address any level of employee and director, and any aspect of employability in the workplace (usually clients find the menu of ten subject areas listed under GradStart above sufficient). Programmes can be any duration though, obviously, we will have a view about the value or otherwise of certain formats.
Programmes will normally consist of facilitated workshops such as those provided under GradStart, though a more training-oriented service is also available.
We also offer one on one coaching and mentoring to supplement the programmes, either for one or more of those attending the programme or for other staff in the business.
emotional intelligence at work works with Business Development Midlands (BDM) to provide training and mentoring programmes in leadership and management. BDM is an Institute of Leadership and Management approved centre (ILM is part of the City and Guilds group).
Currently available are Level 3 awards and certificates.
This is a set of courses whose intention is to enable people to perform more effectively at work. If a business is to be more successful, the people in the business will need to be able to work with each other better, work with their clients and suppliers better and work with everyone else better. That starts with being able to perform more effectively oneself.
I: Handling stress
II: Handling change
III: Wellbeing for businesspeople
This is a set of courses whose rationale is that, simply, businesses are people. If a business is to be more successful, the people in the business will need to be able to work with each other better, work with their clients and suppliers better and work with everyone else better. Even a sole trader has an address book with dozens, if not hundreds, of active contacts. That means dozens or hundreds or relationships which can usefully be addressed and improved.
I: Effective communication
II: Being more assertive
III: Dealing with difficult people
IV: Influencing people
This is a set of courses whose rationale is that, simply, businesses are people. All businesses need to be aware of the power of networking and advocacy as a means of obtaining clients. Often, it is the most productive use of businesspeople’s limited time and resources. And, networking is often an activity businesspeople engage in—yet, often, with disappointing results. This is an area where minimum levels of understanding and expertise are necessary for success and this programme enables participants to reach and exceed those levels.
I: Strategy for client acquisition
II: Business networking
III: Developing productive advocacy relationships
Bids and tenders are often essential to get a client, particularly in large projects Yet many are quite simply not up to the job, let alone being actually compelling. The programme has a simple objective: to improve participants’ bid and proposal production.
IV: Winning bids and tenders
V: Requirements definition
Related material:
> Praise for emotional intelligence at work training
by Jeremy Marchant . last updated 10 february 2016 . image: Free images