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Newsletter 111 : 12 january 2016

GradStart for graduate recruits—programme definition

GradStart for Businesses is a programme designed to enable graduate recruits develop the personality, skills and knowledge they need to function optimally in the workplace.

Phone home

Newsletter 110 : 18 december 2015

Why employee development matters

GradStart Newsletters . Wide ranging articles and features on employability in the workplace

Look it up

Newsletter 109 : 6 december 2015

Being metaphysical

The 'metaphysical poets' have a reputation for being difficult. And they are. However the metaphysical poets, amongst whom Donne and Marvell stand tall, can use language in

All the world’s a stage

Newsletter 108 : 23 november 2015

Why is GradStart for Universities needed?

The government, and other organisations, such as The Complete University Guide and The guardian, publish league tables of graduates’ prospects by university. These tables,

Helping students get (better) jobs

GradStart is a programme of workshops and associated supporting activities which raises students' abilities before and during job search. It is tailored to meet the needs of,

On helping and being helped

If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people. Tony Benn . 1925-2014 . British politician