A short piece about why we behave the way we do

We invariably behave in a certain way at every moment in our lives for reasons. We might believe it is the right thing to do. We might feel that acting in this way will

Behavioural flexibility

Sometimes we get on instantly with another person, sometimes there’s a clash. The clash arises because one or both people have insufficiently considered the needs of the other.

A short piece about going to networking events

Before you go to a networking event, you need to find one that is worth going to. You need to know why you’re going—in other words, your purpose. You need to know what you

A short piece about your purpose

Whether it is a meeting, a conversation, a business, a job, a holiday—absolutely any human activity—it is worth asking: “What is the purpose of this meeting, conversation,

Noticing body language: 14 tips

Humans are the only animals to communicate using words. The rest of the animal kingdom manages very well with non-verbal signals. Your body language releases lots of subtle


Metaprograms are ways in which people choose to approach life and their relationships with other people

A short piece about emotional intelligence

IQ, or ‘conventional’ intelligence, is too narrow a concept with which to understand how and why people can be successful. It ignores essential personality, character,

A short piece about business networking events

There are many opportunities for business people and others to go to networking events. Whether these are any good, is a matter of opinion.

A short piece about well formed outcomes

If you are seeking to solve a problem, what do you want to have happen? A well formed outcome is one that is achievable and purposeful and which satisfies all the following

A short piece about problems

Whenever anybody tells me they have a problem, all I know at that moment is that that is not the problem.